To help us reach our goal to be paperless by July of 2024 fill out the form below.
"*" indicates required fields

Paperless Billing Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How does this help the environment?
A. Going paperless reduces your impact on forests, decreases the amount of waste that is dumped into landfills, cuts energy use, and helps lessen the impact of climate change.
Q. Is my information safe?
A. Your information will be safe with us and will not be shared outside of our organization. For more information please read our privacy policy.
Q. What if I don't want to go paperless?
A. It is your choice not to enroll in paperless billing. However, we are working on transitioning all of our customers over to paperless billing by June 2023.
Q. Will there be a fee if I don't switch to paperless billing?
A. We do not charge a fee at this time but this may change in the future.