Spring is almost here, and YARD WASTE SEASON kicks off soon—sign up today! Weather permitting, service will begin on Monday, April 7, 2025. Enjoy value-added perks, including up to four extra bags per week at no additional cost.

Disposal Disclosure

Walters is committed to providing the best environmentally responsible solutions to its customers and the community. Pursuant to Minnesota Statute II5A.9302, we hereby disclose the following information.


Disposal Facilities:

Elk River Landfill
22460 Hwy 169 NW
Elk River, MN
Permit SW-74

RRT Newport Resource Recovery
2901 Maxwell Avenue
Newport, MN
Permit SW-286

Hennepin Energy Resource Company (HERC)
505 6th Avenue North
Minneapolis, MN
Permit 05300400-001

Blaine Residential Trash Services

If you would like to sign up for service, change your cart size, or request a new cart, please click the buttons below.

Columbia Heights Residential Trash Services

If you would like to sign up for service, change your cart size, or request a new cart, please click the buttons below.