Do not bag your recycling materials in plastic bags. Plastic bags are a contaminant and should be placed in the trash.  Instead, recycle your items loose in the cart.


Granny’s Closet

We support this organization at Christmas and a month-long campaign – community outreach, as a drop site for Granny’s Closet. This organization serves senior citizens and adults with disabilities in Anoka and Sherburne counties with clothing, personal care items, and household goods.


What is GRANNYS CLOSET – THE ANGEL PROGRAM, and how you can donate to this organization

This is the older generation that needs help living on budgets of less than $100/month or has outlived their friends and family, meaning Christmas can be a sad and difficult time of year for them.  That’s where you come in!


These individuals typically ask for things like clothing, towels, sheets, blankets, body wash & lotion sets, hats & gloves, and arts & crafts items – basic items.You may also order items online and have them directly shipped to the organization by clicking on the link below, as there are several options to choose from.


Find out more

Blaine Residential Trash Services

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Columbia Heights Residential Trash Services

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